Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Title... Im so freakin excited! lol

Yesterday I had a slight breakthrough.... My business mind is now set and I am thinking of accomplishing all that I want to do...little by little, taking it one day at a time... My next goal is to design my own costume jewelry line. I came to this conclusion because EVERY (and I do mean every) -time I go in a store, I head straight for the jewelry and look for pieces that pop out to me, I look at them and wonder about what outfits I could wear with them. Its like a weird habit of mine, that I just noticed that I do Sometimes I find really cool pieces other times I don't. So why not sketch out my own dream jewelry line. So mark my work, my mission #1 starts today.....(Im so freakin excited! lol)

1 comment:

  1. You can do whatever you decide you can , as long as you have unwavering faith in your ability to achieve. Every human being has the power to succeed, but the brave few who dare really do.
